Friday, September 7, 2012

Cormack design


  1. This is a really unique idea for ensuring an easy breakfast for kids. It however is still simple enough that kids could do this themselves without parents help.
    The only concern I have is that the milk may expire, and that it could possibly come with other milk varieties such as skim or full cream.

  2. This is an interesting solution to problems of children skipping breakfast. From the posters it is hard to see the size of the container, but from looking at the size of the cereal part to the milk - there might be too much milk for the amount of cereal. It would have been good to see some arrows for instruction on what to do. The graphics are bright and this would definitely stand out on the shelves.

  3. The problem is an interesting one to attempt to solve. I like the level of resolution you have applied to the plastic parts and the overall result. I think the colour coding of the lids is also a clever touch.
    I think the number of plastic parts will obviously increase the cost of the overall packaging, I wonder if this was a concern or whether this needs to be addressed further? I wonder too about how the product might be perceived - whether it would be seen as healthy, but I guess this is not really the concern of the product designer. Well done.

  4. Your design has addressed an interesting problem with children and their breakfast. I like the bright colours and graphics of your packaging, but i am concerned with the proportions of your design, the milk and cereal section. So i would recommend that the container that houses the milk should be much smaller than the cereal section.

  5. Your design solves a pressing issue faced by many busy parents in todays market. 'Twist 4 Soy' is a convenient and healthy breakfast alternative.

    Your renderings are professional and strongly represent the product and its intended use.

    However the way that you have presented your text is not very concise, and to the point. You should try to condense your text to shorter more compressed dot point format.

  6. This concept is very innovative and interesting. There is nothing similar in the market at the moment and would be very appropriate for busy parents and those that are on the go.

    The renderings look very realistic and the model was very good (even though I only got a glance!)

  7. i really like the graphic and colour you have used on your design, they are very eye-catching and playful. its easy enough that kids can do it themselves and really like the idea 'never skip their breakfast again.'

    is this packaging useable? i think it would be good if the container could be use.

  8. I really like this project. I think you really captured the playfullness of breakfast
    I think the graphics and colours you have used are also great and really convey a message of fun to the audience.
    Great Job!!
    I think you could improve on the material of the packaging and make it reusable.

  9. Very interesting concept and solution, I can't help but feel tempted to try twist the cap as soon as it lands in my hands, the logo's are quite eye catching and the wide variety of colours and flavours just add to the overall attractiveness of the design, it seems fun to use and that's a big plus to children who often are influenced by how fun and interactive a product is.

    Good work

  10. I think it's a really great concept - playful and convenient for your target market. It's also keeping the parents happy as it's nutritious and delivering a substantial breakfast to a growing child. As it's interactive, it's becoming a morning ritual for a child, teaching them important values for their later years.

  11. The way that you've marketed the product is just great, its fun and playful and also convenient at the same time. Renders and presentation looks great, and my only concern is that the milk may go off depending if it gets shaken or due to heat

  12. Good job on your design. It's very obvious you put a lot of thoughts and efforts into making this. I think this playful design would work really well with children. I can see this being carried around for picnics and lunch boxes. The fact that you made them in different colours also give it more appeal.

  13. not only is it fun to use, it is healthy as well. there are many school kids now days skips their breakfast and it is a national concern. i think your design can help ease that problem. having cereal on the go is pretty cool

  14. Its very interesting, the design firstly is very playful and suits your product which is a cereal. very well thought, i like how seal breaks when you twist, it will overcome the spill problem, which happens often. This will suit cereal for adult as well, to-go cereal.
