Monday, August 13, 2012

Q1. What are the issues, difficulties or problems that my peer group found in understanding my designs from my mockup and posters?
- The main concern was if it is an existing product that I am redesigning or creating a new product.
- Reduce the benefit facts on the poster as I have to focus on selling the package not soy milk
- Avoid using window on the cardboard as it involves using adhesives and plastic
- Redesign the graphics so that it is more appealing to kids
- The product is not for everyday use as it is using too much material but one time use such as early morning dropping kids off school by busy parents
- Make them stackable
- Consider the placement of spoons
- Choose specific age group

Q2. What are my strategies for addressing the issues found? What steps should I take to ensure that my posters communicate the merits of my design in the best possible way for the cormack industry critique next week?
- I will decide on the age group for the design to be 9-12
- The graphics will be redesigned with a cartoon icon for stronger visual identity
- Developed understanding of the mechanism will be present on the poster
- Amount of text will be reduced and add more useful requirements that answers the brief
- Entire packaging will be made using PP
- Other existing products will be investigated more
- Emphasise on the importance of breakfast

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